No one likes seeing people driving like maniacs in their neighborhood . . . but this is taking things too far.
Someone in Boulder, Colorado put up at least five PROFANE traffic signs . . . saying things like "Get Off Your Damn Phone" and "Slow the [Eff] Down." Others say, "Don't Kill Any Kids Today" and "Slow Down [Expletive]."
They aren't scrawled on pieces of cardboard . . . they LOOK like official street signs, which are actually mounted onto real speed limit sign posts.
The police don't think it's funny. They're looking for the person responsible . . . and say it's possible they could be charged with criminal tampering.
The authorities do say they appreciate the sentiment . . . but add that there are "other means" for "safety vigilantes" like this to alert them to problem drivers. The city is in the process of removing the signs.
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