The Rod Ryan Show

The Rod Ryan Show

The Rod Ryan Show is a Houston, Texas radio show broadcasting 6-10 a.m. weekdays on 94.5 The Buzz. It's the most interactive show in radio, covering...Full Bio


Criminals: VIDEO of Two Porch Pirates Fighting Over a Delivery Package!

VIDEO... Two Porch Pirates Fought Over a Package . . . Seconds After It Was Delivered



Porch pirates may not be a problem in your area, but there are places where it's basically a COMPETITIVE SPORT.



There's a place called Sinking Spring . . . outside of Reading, Pennsylvania . . . where a pair of porch pirates were caught on video racing to steal a package just seconds after it was delivered to a home.



It was caught by a doorbell camera. The package is delivered, and then as the FedEx delivery person is walking away . . . TWO thieves, arriving in two different vehicles . . . sprint up to the package.



As one suspect grabs the package, the other holds a flower pot . . . apparently looking to FIGHT the other porch pirate. The family WAS home at the time, and they were concerned for their safety.



The police are investigating, but they haven't caught anyone yet.


One of the porch pirates made off with the package, which was a phone from AT&T. The resident says it's "fishy" that both thieves seemed to know that it was something valuable.



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A Guy Gets Called the "Hottest" Uber Driver Ever . . . Then Gets a DUI



A woman from New Zealand posted a video after she and a friend scored what they said was the hottest Uber driver ever. But there's a major plot twist in a second video she posted. The guy got pulled over and arrested for driving drunk.


 Read More HERE

(WARNING: There's an F-bomb at 18 in the first video, but the second video is clean. They don't ever actually show the driver's face.)

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