The Rod Ryan Show

The Rod Ryan Show

The Rod Ryan Show is a Houston, Texas radio show broadcasting 6-10 a.m. weekdays on 94.5 The Buzz. It's the most interactive show in radio, covering...Full Bio


Food: What Flavor Is McDonald's New "Grandma McFlurry"?

What Flavor Is McDonald's New "Grandma McFlurry"?



Teenagers are now dressing like grandparents, with their tube socks and high-waisted pants, so maybe this'll be a hit . . .



McDonald's announced a new menu item landing next Tuesday called the "Grandma McFlurry".  



It's a vanilla soft serve with crunchy bits of candy and a new flavored syrup. They say it tastes like "like Grandma's favorite treat that she hid in her purse."



They haven't revealed exactly what the flavor is. But people online are claiming it's caramel and butterscotch . . . and tastes like a Werther's Original. 

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A luxury supermarket is selling an expensive bag of ice. It costs $29.99, and you get eight ice cube balls. They're for fancy cocktails. 

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Happy National Pizza Party Day

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A tiny taco stand in Mexico City just got a Michelin star. 

The whole place is 10 feet by 10 feet. The chef has been there 20 years and says the secret is they keep it simple. Just a tortilla with salsa and really good meat. 



Another key is how hot the grill is . . . 680 degrees. Michelin chefs get to wear a special long-sleeve white jacket, but he wouldn't put his on when they gave it to him. He said he'd be way too hot in it.

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21 "Controversial" Food Opinions . . . Most People Love Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts, But Not "Tums"?


What's the last surprising food-related hot-take you've heard? Maybe: Instant ramen is delicious dry . . . it's better crunchy.



Someone conducted a poll online, asking people what they think of 21 "controversial food opinions."



But they probably didn't go extreme enough, because after amassing around 20,000 votes, more than 50% of people AGREED with half of them . . . and ALL of them found acceptance with at least 1 in 4 people.



Here are these "controversial" takes, from the LEAST divisive to the MOST controversial:  



1. You can do breakfast-for-dinner AND dinner-for-breakfast . . . 88% agree.


2. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are delicious, if you prepare them correctly . . . 82% agree.


3. I'd rather have a greasy, fast-food smash burger than a fancy, high-quality, bistro burger . . . 75% agree.  


4. Shredded iceberg lettuce is delicious on a sandwich . . . 75% agree.


5. There's a time and a place for processed cheese . . . 73% agree.


6. Pickles are hands down one of the best foods ever invented . . . 72% agree.


7. Creamy foods (like potato salad, chicken salad, macaroni salad, and deviled eggs) are heaven-sent . . . 71% agree.


8. Cheez-Its are great, but Extra Toasty Cheez-Its are heinous . . . 67% agree.


9. Always choose cookies over cake . . . 65% agree.


10. Runny eggs (fried, poached, over-easy) are the best eggs . . . 63% agree.


11. Sweet potato fries are trash 99% of the time . . . 61% agree.


12. Sour candy is deeply overrated . . . 48% agree.


13. Dipping French fries in mayo is awesome . . . 48% agree.  

14. All bottled salad dressings kind of suck . . . 43% agree.


15. Cool Ranch Doritos are the worst Dorito flavor . . . 40% agree.


16. Tofu is amazing . . . 38% agree.


17. Banana Runts are the BEST Runts . . . 37% agree.


18. Always choose tea over coffee . . . 37% agree.  


19. Heath Bars are the best chocolate bars . . . 37% agree.


20. TUMS are tastier than most hard candies . . . 30% agree.  


21. Circus Peanuts are a delicious candy . . . 26% agree.



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