Did Michael Oher Try to Shake Down the Tuohys for $15 Million Before Going Public?
So did the Tuohy family use Michael Oher . . . or is he trying to take advantage of THEM?
A lawyer for the family says Michael tried to shake them down for $15 million, saying he'd go public if they didn't pay up. Obviously, they didn't . . . and he did.
The attorney says the Tuohys did NOT trick him into entering into a conservatorship.
Since he was 18 at the time, they couldn't adopt him. So the conservatorship was the only way they could help him get health insurance, a driver's license, and get into college. And it was all on the up and up.
He also claims the family only got "a few thousand dollars" for the movie, and they always either shared or tried to share it with Michael.
He also pointed out that the family is worth hundreds of millions of dollars WITHOUT Michael's money, so they really didn't need to squeeze him.
The attorney says the Tuohys are "heartbroken" over what's happening, and they hope to reconcile with Oher.
But at the same time, quote, "they will not hesitate to defend their good names, stand up to this shakedown and defeat this offensive lawsuit."
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Should Sandra Bullock Have to Give Back Her Oscar for "The Blind Side"?
There's a lot of great stuff on the Internet. But there's also a lot of this:
People are calling for Sandra Bullock to return her Oscar for "The Blind Side" . . . because Michael Oher is now claiming that the Tuohy family deceived and used him.
One guy said, quote, "Sandra Bullock should give her Oscar back. She knows she didn't deserve that [crap]!"
Another said, quote, "For some reason, the whole blind side was fake thing makes me just hate Sandra Bullock."
But film critic Richard Roeper injected some SANITY into the debate, saying, quote, "Sandra Bullock starred in the fictionalized adaptation of 'The Blind Side'.
"It is totally misguided and unfair to assign blame to her for the new and deeply disturbing allegations about the real-life story."
Someone else pointed out that Sandra just lost her longtime partner to ALS . . . so not only is all this criticism unwarranted, it's really poorly timed.
There's also the fact that we don't even know the whole story. We've heard the allegations, and the Tuohy family has denied them. It just feels premature and downright silly for people to be so ferociously taking sides at this point.
But that's what we do nowadays.
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Photo: Jeff Zelevansky / Getty Images Sport / Getty Images