The Rod Ryan Show

The Rod Ryan Show

The Rod Ryan Show is a Houston, Texas radio show broadcasting 6-10 a.m. weekdays on 94.5 The Buzz. It's the most interactive show in radio, covering...Full Bio


Criminals: Two Million Dimes Were Stolen From a Truck in a Parking Lot!

Two Million Dimes Were Stolen From a Truck in a Walmart Parking Lot

Police in Philadelphia are looking for thieves who broke into an unmarked truck that was parked in a Walmart parking lot early yesterday morning. 



It was carrying 7.5 MILLION DIMES, which would be worth $750,000.



The thieves were able to get away with around two million dimes, which would be worth $200,000.  But some reports say they could've taken even more.  


The dimes were headed from the Philadelphia Mint to Florida.  The driver parked the truck in the lot to sleep somewhere . . . and the theft happened while it was there unattended overnight.


It's unclear if the thieves knew what was inside.



According to the U.S. Mint, one dime weighs 2.3 grams . . . meaning the thieves stole more than 10,000 pounds of dimes.



This begs an interesting question:  If the thieves DIDN'T know what was inside, would 7.5 million dimes be a GOOD surprise or a BAD one?



On the one hand, even though the coins are heavy, it's pure cash, so it conveniently skips the step of having to sell whatever you're stealing.



That said, what are you going to do with a million dimes without attracting attention to yourself?  

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An Adult Blasted a Kid in the Face with a Dodgeball


This might be funny in a movie, but you can't do it in real life:  An elementary school in Oklahoma employee got arrested for blasting a kid in the face with a DODGEBALL.



It's not clear if he's a teacher or not.  But he was sitting off to the side while a dodgeball game was going on, and a ball hit him.



He claims the kid did it on purpose and refused to say sorry.  The kid claims it ricocheted off another student and was just an accident.



Either way, the guy allegedly responded by beaning the kid THREE times . . . in the back, the leg, and the face.  That one knocked their glasses off.



The kid told their principal, and they called the cops.  Other students backed up the kid's story.



The guy admitted he threw the ball to teach the kid a lesson.  He said they refused to apologize, so he paid them back and ALSO refused to say sorry.  He's facing charges for misdemeanor assault and battery. 

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Photo: Getty Images

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