The Toto Cover of AFRICA You Never Knew You Needed
'Mr. Chicken' the singing rubber chicken takes on Toto's "Africa" by request on TikTok.
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A Sanitation Worker Saves a Little Boy's Life
A sanitation worker in Brazil was on the back of his truck that was moving slowly down the street when he noticed a little boy on the sidewalk waiting for him to pass by before crossing.
But the boy didn't see a car coming from a different lane, so the worker jumped off the truck and scooped him up . . . and saved the boy's life.
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Things AlwaysSaid in the First Five Minutes of a Zoom Meeting
A TikTok'er posted a pretty funny example of the typical things you always hear during the first five minutes of a Zoom meeting.
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What if News Sources Were People?
An actress named Alli Hurley wondered what news sources would sound like if they were people. MSNBC is someone who tries way too hard to be woke, and Fox News is mad at someone who interrupted their original interruption.
The Associated Press has no opinion on anything . . . and the local news station will downplay a hostage situation to celebrate a bake sale.
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Photo: The Chili