Nirvana's "Nevermind" Baby Speaks Out Following Lawsuit
The naked baby on the front of Nirvana's "Nevermind" album is speaking out after suing the band. TMZ reports Spencer Elden is suing the band for 150-grand because he claims they promised to cover his private parts with a sticker but never did. In a new statement, Elden said he's asking the band to "do what they should have done 30 years ago" and remove his genitals from the front of the album out of respect for his privacy. Elden said "if the world could forget about it," then maybe he could too. He is suing the surviving members of the band and Kurt Cobain's estate claiming he has suffered lifelong damages as a result of the album. He's also taking it one step farther by saying the image amounts to child pornography.
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The Rolling Stones Pay Tribute To Charlie Watts
Rolling StonesdrummerCharlie Wattspassed away Monday at the age of 80. While his bandmates originally released an official statement, they later took to social media to pay a personal tribute to the legendary drummer.
FrontmanMick Jaggersimply posted a photo of Charlie smiling behind his drum kit, while guitarist Keith Richards posted a photo of the drum kit, with a sign hanging on it that sadly read, "Closed, Please Call Again.”
Ronnie Wood also shared a photo, one of him and Charlie, with the caption, "I love you my fellow Gemini -- I will dearly miss you -- you are the best," followed by praying hands, heart, and sun emoji.” Check them out below:
- ONE MORE THING!U2also took to social media to pay tribute to Charlie, “You make a grown man cry…” RIP Charlie Watts (2/6/41-24/8/21)," they wrote, adding, "Effortless elegance The rock of The Rolling Stones," signing it Bono, Edge, Adam, and Larry.
Paramore Credited on Olivia Rodrigo's Song "Good 4 U"
Paramore's Hayley Williams and former guitarist Josh Farro are getting credit on a major pop song. NME reports Olivia Rodrigo gave Williams and Farro writing credits on her hit "Good 4 U." The update in the repertory of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers come after the song was released in May. Many fans drew comparisons between Rodrigo's song and Paramore's "Misery Business."
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COREY TAYLOR Says METALLICA's "Master of Puppets" is the perfect heavy metal album.
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GENE SIMMONS apologized for dissing DAVID LEE ROTH.
(WARNING: There's video, and it contains poorly-bleeped profanity.)
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DOJA CAT will host and perform at the "MTV Video Music Awards".
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The 1975 Working On New Album
Just for Alex
LIL NAS X announced that his debut album "Montero" is dropping on September 17th.
(WARNING: The second video contains an F-bomb.)
Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images