The Rod Ryan Show

The Rod Ryan Show

The Rod Ryan Show is a Houston, Texas radio show broadcasting 6-10 a.m. weekdays on 94.5 The Buzz. It's the most interactive show in radio, covering...Full Bio


Halloween: 500 Kids Can Pick Out a Free Halloween Costume + More

1. For the last three years, a family in Tulsa, Oklahoma

 has set up a free costume shop in their driveway for kids whose parents can't afford to buy them one. The first year, they gave away about 150 costumes. Last year, about 175. And this year, they're handing out over FIVE HUNDRED free costumes.

Read more here.

2. Here's a great Halloween costume based on the Banksy shredding stunt.

Pics here.

3. A woman in England says

 she was filming her daughter walking down an empty hallway at a hospital, and heard what sounded like a demonic voice. But no one else was there.

4. The Seven Best Knockoff Halloween Costumes Like "Juice Demon" for "Beetlejuice"

Stores are filled with knockoff Halloween costumes right now. Some of the best ones are: "Notionless," a costume based on Cher from "Clueless" "Juice Demon," based on "Beetlejuice", and "Where's the Stripey Dude," based on "Where's Waldo?"

5. Watch Some Jerk Smash a Family's Halloween Pumpkins, and Then Run

A family in Lawrence, Kansas posted security cam video of some idiot walking onto their front porch and SMASHING three Halloween pumpkins onto the sidewalk. He takes off running, and you can hear some of his friends yelling, "Let's go."

Well, somebody recognized the guy. He's a frat boy at the University of Kansas and the dad paid him a visit, and brought a cop along. They agreed on a plan for all three guys to apologize to the family's two boys for trashing their pumpkins.

6. The two creepy twin girls seen standing in the hallway in "The Shining" were actually played by

two identical twins named Lisa and Louise Burns. They were about 12 when the movie came out. Now they're 50 years old. 

Pics here.

7. This is the Most Popular Halloween Candy From Each Decade

Read more here.

8. 2018's Best Cities to Celebrate Halloween

The 10 best cities to be in for Halloween this year are New York, Jersey City, New Jersey, L.A., Irvine, California, San Diego, Santa Ana, California, Chicago, Las Vegas, Irving, Texas and St. Paul, Minnesota.

Read more here.

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