1. Couple Poses For Possibly The Raciest Wedding Photos Ever
2. A News Anchor Said "I Want That 69" While Talking About the Weather
A news anchor in Fargo, North Dakota named Andrea Larson was talking about the weather on Wednesday, and how it's really nice for October. It's supposed to be a high of 69 degrees there tomorrow. And the way she talked about it sounded a little SEXUAL.
3. The Newest Trend on the Internet, The #PortaPottyChallenge,
Is Getting People to Cram Themselves Into a Porta Potty With Others
4. A Guy Smoking Next to a Gas Pump Gets Sprayed with a Fire Extinguisher
There's a video making the rounds of a clueless guy smoking a cigarette while standing close to the pumps at a gas station. He's asked to stop, but doesn't so an employee gets a fire extinguisher and sprays him from head to toe.
It happens at 0:51