"Wait, so is Mercury retrograde right now?
If you’re reading this on or between Saturday, March 15, and Monday, April 7, 2025, yes, Mercury is currently retrograde. Lucky you!
Mercury retrograde is the astrological equivalent of an old-timey slapstick routine: slipping on a banana peel, stepping on a rake, and getting smacked in the face by a swinging door — all while you’re just trying to send a simple email. During this three-week downward spiral, misunderstandings abound, emails go missing, flights get delayed, and everyone suddenly forgets how to act like a normal person. Which is, truly, the last thing we need right now!"
READ MORE ABOUT THIS MERCURY RETROGRADE AT THE CUT https://www.thecut.com/article/mercury-retrograde-march-2025-what-to-expect.html