According to Curious Mind, new research led by Oxford University suggest that women with bigger butts are both smarter and healthier. The study looks at the correlation between fat stored in the body and health, but seems to indicate that WHERE the body stores fat is even more important that how much you have.
Researchers say that women with high levels of lower body fat are less likely to become obese (and suffer from related health conditions) and have higher levels of omega 3 acids. Omega 3 acids are not only associated with brain activity and intelligence, but also help fight depression, improve cognitive abilities and enhance behavioral function. Therefore, women with bodies that tend to store fat in the buttocks (vs. the upper body and belly) are smarter and in a better overall mental condition.
Another study cited in the article, this one by the US National Library of Medicine, shows that women with this body-type tend to give birth to children with higher IQs.
Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.
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