Each year, ESPN puts its NFL simulation machine in full motion to gain insight on the 2021, gauge potential surprises, and pull out some predictions. This year, they ran 20K simulations for all 285 games, but…for reasons known only to them…simulation 13,300 is the one that stood out. After everything played out, here’s what they’re saying:
- Jacksonville starts strong and ekes into the number seven playoff spot.
- The Bears overcome a shaky start fromAndy Daltonand barely make the playoffs thanks toJustin Fields
- The Seahawks start off 0-8, on their way to a 5-12 season.
- The Carolina Panthers are one of five 5-12 teams and end up earning the number one draft pick thanks to tiebreakers.
- The rest of the NFL finally figures outLamar Jackson, who leads the team to a 7-10 season.
- Jameis Winstoncloses strong and gets the Saints into the postseason.
- Dallas wins the NFC East with a solid second half and a 10-7 record.
- The Colts put together a 13-4 season, but peter off in the playoffs
- Jimmy Garoppoloclings to the 49’ers starting QB gig longer than most expected, but it’sTrey Lancethat gets them to a 12-win season and the divisional round of the playoffs.
- Cleveland takes down Kansas City in the divisional round of the playoffs.
- Green Bay bests the Bucs in the NFC Championship game.
- The Buffalo Bills are your Super Bowl LVI champions.