I'm sure you've seen other deepfake videos. These freaky realistic face-swap videos are popping up everywhere...putting present-day actors on old talk shows, making politicians say and do things their opponent actually said or did...it's a little scary sometimes. Some are just pure fun though. A recent viral hit recast Back to the Future with Tom Holland as Marty and Robert Downy Jr. as Doc Brown. This latest one has Neo take the blue pill and wake up at Peter's soul-crushing cubicle job from Office Space. Naturally Agent Smith is there as Bill Lumbergh.
According to Gizmodo, this one is by YouTube deepfaker Ctrl Shift Face and VFX artist Chris Ume. "Neo Takes The Blue Pill" goes the extra mile. Not just swapping faces from The Matrix onto characters from Office Space, they also used a Keanu Reeves impersonator to re-record all of the Peter lines in a perfect Neo voice. Plus, tons of other creative little touches to make it feel properly "Matrixy." Check it out and then watch the VFX breakdown video below.