Missed this back in the fall, but this story (and the accompanying photo) is wild.
According to WTHR-TV, Jessica Kropp of Flippin, Arkansas, was arrested back in September after being pulled over for expired tags. The officer ran her name and found that her license was suspended and that she had five active warrants out for her arrest. Then he noticed that her hair bow was actually a bag of meth tied into a bow. When confronted about the meth hair bow she claimed that someone else had put that in her hair and that she didn't know what it was.
In addition to the meth, Ms. Kropp was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. She was arrested for possession of methamphetamine or cocaine with the purpose to deliver, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving on a suspended license, and no liability insurance.
Her story made headlines all over the world. We were unable to find any updates on her case, but she's been active on Facebook within the past week, so she doesn't seem to be incarcerated at the moment.