'A survey performed by Seniorliving.com, 'discovered that a whopping 11% of men (and a much lower yet still questionable 3% of women) find their partners’ farts to be attractive. What about it is attractive and why on earth they feel that way wasn’t explained, so I guess we’ll have to take that at face value.
The survey also discovered some other interesting facts about passing gas, including that men tend to wait roughly 6.5 months before breaking wind in front of their partners while women hold it in for so much longer, waiting an average of 1.3years! WTF? When it comes topooping at a partner’s place, guys dropped a deuce after an average of 4.5 months while again, women were much more shy about their number twos and held it in for an average of 9.4 months. Go figure.' - via BOLDE