'A woman was left battered and bloodied after she attacked her ex partner's new girlfriend with a stun gun, according to reports.
Savanna Grace White, 22, was arrested on March 12 after officers were called to a home in South Carolina to what was described as "a disturbance", according to local station WSPA.
SPARTANBURG CO., SC (WSPA) - A woman was arrested after deputies say she attacked another woman with a stun gun in front of a Spartanburg County home.
Deputies were called to a home on Boundary Drive shortly before noon Tuesday for a reported disturbance.
When deputies arrived, they found two bloody women on the ground fighting.
According to the report, 22-year-old Savanna Grace White drove to the home and attacked the girlfriend of her child's father.
It's said the police found two bloodied women on the ground fighting.' - via MIRROR