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Behold! The New 77-Pack Of Beer From Natural Light

The brewers of Natural Light, a staple of many college parties, announced that they are selling a special limited edition case of 77 beers. The 77-pack of cheap beer will only be available for a limited time, and will only be sold in College Park, Maryland, home of the University of Maryland. The hexagon-shaped case of 77 beers will weigh over 60 pounds and cost around $30, according to The Takeout

Natural Light, commonly referred to as "Natty Light" or "Natty Ice," decided to make the 77-pack of beer to honor their founding in 1977. Natural Light, which is made by Anheuser-Busch, is the sixth best selling light beer in the country, raking in nearly $350 million in sales annually. 

Photo: Natural Light

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