'In case it wasn't already really clear, Apple is really, really sorry about slowing down old iPhones with creaky batteries, and it's taking steps — ALL the steps — to make things right.
Upset iPhone owners can already get a new battery replacement at a reduced $29 cost, and Apple has pledged to release a software updatethat'll show people the health of their batteries and let them turn any performance optimization on or off.
Said software update will be a great way to pacify the angry mob, but it's also a bad idea.
In an interview with ABC News, Apple CEO Tim Cook apologized again for the company's poor communication on iOS's built-in power management feature that throttled iPhone performance in order to prevent the phones from unexpectedly shutting down or restarting as the result of an old battery.
The power-management tweak nestled inside of iOS may have been well-intentioned, but as mounting consumer anger and dozens of lawsuits have shown, Apple did it all wrong.
iPhone users aren't just pissed Apple slowed their devices down. They're mad that the company wasn't transparent about it.
"When we did put it out, we did say what it was, but I don't think a lot of people were paying attention and maybe we should have been clearer as well," Cook said. "And so we deeply apologize for anybody that thinks we had some other kind of motivation. Our motivation is always the user. The user is at the center of everything that we do."' - Mashable