Last night I was kicked out of the APC show! No lie! It was a heinous crime! Are you ready? Here's my story.
I took a selfie of people around me and my flash accidentally went off. One of Maynard James Keenan's Minions came up and that was the end of my innocence.
Many fans were unknowingly video taping their favorite songs and snapping photos. Who wouldn't? I'ts A Perfect Freaking Circle! One of my favorite flavors besides the Grandaddy of them all, TOOL! My flash accidentally going off set everything into motion. Someone next to me was doing social media with the live show and her phone was taken immediately . It was taken by the MINION! Maynard James Keenan's Minion was striking with a vengeance.
Minion was unforgiving. He offered no warning. He even had police escort us out. (Someone has a tiny penis). Did I commit double murder or take a selfie? I guess some will debate this for years. We were booted! Not allowed back in. Only told by Minion to, "Get an Uber".
FOR THE RECORD: There are tons of shows that put up numerous signs up and give verbal warnings when an artist doesn't want any video or flashes at their shows. I respect that. When Louis C.K. was in town, he had signs on every chair. Like a Denny's menu, it was easy to see that photos weren't allowed. Some fans drove over one hour to see this band and were booted with zero mercy. I don't like when people just stand there filming entire shows. I hate that. I just think Minion could have heard me out, given me a scary look and walked away.
Was it overkill? YES! Will my life go on? I HOPE SO!
THE REALITY OF IT: People should not be sitting there holding up a phone recording song after song. That's lame. I do feel that even in that scenario, people should get warnings. If they still video tap, kick them out!!!
I LOVE TOOL and APC more than words can say. I DON'T HATE THE BAND! I hate the Minion. I will SUGGEST that the band work with venues in the future to establish rules and post them all over so fans like myself are aware. Most people don't see one or two signs. They need to plaster them everywhere. Give warnings, take phones, but don't kick people out.
Yours Truly,
@TheresaRockFace (a.k.a. Weak and Powerless)
\,,/ TOOL RULES! \,,/
This was the photo started it all! ...