via Viral Thread, 'Yesterday, Steve Stephens broadcasted the murder of Robert Godwin Sr on Facebook Live, in between confused phone calls and explanations from his car. The incident, from Stephens’ perspective at least, is centred on a past relationship with a woman named Joy Lane.
Laughing, Stephens states that the day should be known as the “Easter Sunday Joy Lane massacre”. The upsetting footage of Robert Godwin Sr’s murder, which took place in Cleveland, Ohio, was online for around three hours before it was taken down.Stephens explains in the video that he had snapped and that there was no rhyme or reason as to who the victim would be. “From what we can tell now, it’s just a random person that he picked out. We don’t know why,” stated Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams
.Stephens, 37, then approaches 74-year-old Robert Godwin Sr and asks the victim to say the name “Joy Lane”, explaining that she is the reason that this was about to happen to him. He then shoots the man dead, before getting back into his car and fielding calls about what his Facebook friends have just witnessed. He claims to have killed more than a dozen people, but as yet this claim is unsubstantiated.'
I WILL NOT embed the video of what happened! I will put up his photo so you can share because we need to help authorities find this man and arrest him hard. PLEASE SHARE - Theresa
Authorities are still searching for Stephens who, by now, could have left Ohio. If you have any info or maybe THINK You have seen him, contact authorities immediately!
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