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California Man Charged with DUI after Testing Positive for Caffeine

According to KCRA-TV,  36-year-old Joseph Schwab was given a blood test after an Alcohol Beverage Control agent described seeing him “weaving in and out of traffic almost causing several collisions.” 

Although his results came back negative for cocaine, THC, opiates, methamphetamine, oxycodone and several other drugs, Schwab did test positive for one thing - caffeine.

Independent forensic toxicologist Edwin Smith said caffeine is technically a drug but is often overlooked because it isn’t typically associated with impaired driving.

“Very few, if any of those are having problems functioning in a task like driving," Smith said. "Most are probably doing it as well, and potentially even better than they would do without it."

Solano County District Attorney Krishna Abrams is still moving forward with a DUI charge against Schwab. She believes it was not caffeine, but some other drug not on the test that influenced Schwab. 

As of now, 16 months later, the arrest is still hurting Schwab both financially and professionally.

“It looked like I was undependable and when you tell this kind of story to someone they naturally are not going to believe it,” Schwab said.

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