The 2024 Girl Scout Cookie Season is now in full swing, but there won’t be any new flavors this year, and they aren’t returning last year’s new cookie, the Raspberry Rally.
There are some returning flavors, including Adventures from 2022 and Toast-Yay from 2021, and a new “Unbox the Future” theme for this year has a stated goal to “remove social barriers that often keep girls boxed in.”
The 2024 lineup still includes popular selections, including Thin Mints, Samoas (or Caramel deLites), Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs), Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies, Toffee-tactic, Trefoils, and others. Almost 700,000 girls participate in the Girl Scout cookie program every year and GSUSA Chief Revenue Officer Wendy Lou said “Every package of Girl Scout Cookies puts girls one step closer to making a real change in their own futures, communities, and the world.”
You can purchase Girl Scout cookies by ordering from a Girl Scout or by using the Girl Scout Cookie Finder or to find a booth near you. You can have the cookies shipped directly to your home starting on February 16 by using the Girl Scout Cookie Finder. In addition, you can text COOKIES to 59618 for more information on how to order your cookies.
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Photo: NOVA SAFO / AFP / Getty Images