put together a list of the 25 Best Christmas Films. But this one is different . . . because "A Christmas Story" isn't on it.
Seriously . . . a list where "A Christmas Story" isn't even considered the 25th-best Christmas movie? Seems like heresy. Anyway, here's their Top 10:
1. "A Muppet Christmas Carol", 1992
2. "Tangerine", 2015
3. "The Apartment", 1960
4. "Gremlins", 1984
5. "Carol", 2015
6. "Meet Me in St. Louis", 1944
7. "The Long Kiss Goodnight", 1996
8. "It's a Wonderful Life", 1946
9. "Elf", 2003
10. "The Dead", 1987
A few other movies that don't typically make these kinds of lists are on here, including the 1980 flick "Christmas Evil" . . .
Which is actually quite good and stars Fiona Apple's father Brandon Maggart as a killer Santa.
There's also Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" and the John Waters trash classic "Female Trouble" . . .
And the 1975 horror masterpiece "Black Christmas", which was directed by Bob Clark . . . the guy who would later do "A Christmas Story".
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