CRIMINALZ: A Man Was Arrested for "Sexually Molesting" a Manatee Mannequin

A lot of people have ridiculous stories from "when they were young and stupid" . . . and if this guy can turn his life around, he should be able to trump anyone's juvenile idiocy.



A 23-year-old man in Florida named Anthony Lessa was arrested last Friday . . . after a drunken outburst at a restaurant, which included "throwing gator nuggets." They're like chicken nuggets, but with alligator meat.



When someone confronted him, he ran over to a life-size manatee mannequin, which was outside the restaurant, wearing a t-shirt that says, "Did someone say tacos?"



(Careful) According to the report, Anthony then began "sexually molesting" the manatee. Thankfully, they didn't get any more detailed about what that entailed.



The police showed up and charged him with disorderly intoxication and disturbance. He was booked and released. According to the internet, Anthony is a student pilot at a flight school in Florida.

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