Hulk Hogan, in Reverse, Sounds Like He's Summoning a Demon
Somebody took a Hulk Hogan wrestling promo from the early '90s and played it in reverse. It sounds like Hulk is angrily summoning a demon.
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A "Chain Reaction Video" Featuring a Man, a Woman, and a Chainsaw
It would be hard to purposely choreograph this "chain reaction video" without someone getting injured.
A man and a woman are on a ladder that's leaning against a huge tree. The guy just finished cutting into a branch with a chainsaw, which is STRAPPED to a belt around his waist.
The chainsaw is NOT running, which is good because it suddenly drops down . . . starts swinging back and forth . . . and brushing up against the woman as she scrambles down the ladder. (Again, the chainsaw is not running.)
Believe it or not, there's more. Another ladder suddenly breaks loose and bumps up against the woman, and then the ORIGINAL branch swings BACK and hovers right over her.
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Watch a Bear Steal Somebody's Uber Eats Delivery
A black bear stole an Uber Eats order from somebody's front porch last Friday in Longwood, Florida. It took the bag of Taco Bell food, and then came back moments later for the drink.
Bears are common in the area, and the family figured that's what happened. They knew for sure when they saw it going down in real time on their Ring camera. Uber Eats issued a refund.
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Photo: FAYEZ NURELDINE / AFP / Getty Images