The 25 Best Haunted House Movies of All Time  

You still have time to watch a few more spooky movies this Halloween season.  If you need ideas, put together a list of the best haunted house movies of all time.



Here they are in chronological order:



1.  "The Uninvited",  1944


2.  "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir",  1947


3.  "13 Ghosts",  1960


4.  "The Innocents",  1961


5.  "The Haunting",  1963


6.  "The Legend of Hell House",  1973


7.  "House",  1977


8.  "The Changeling",  1980


9.  "The Shining",  1980

10.  "Poltergeist",  1982


11.  "House",  1985


12.  "Beetlejuice",  1988

13.  "Ghostwatch",  1992


14.  "The Others",  2001


15.  "Dark Water",  2002


16.  "A Tale of Two Sisters",  2003


17.  "Paranormal Activity",  2007

18.  "The Orphanage",  2007


19.  "Lake Mungo",  2008


 20.  "Sinister",  2012


21.  "The Woman in Black",  2012


22.  "The Conjuring",  2013


23.  "We Are Still Here",  2015


24.  "Crimson Peak",  2015


25.  "His House",  2020

A performer disguised as movie character

Photo: KAZUHIRO NOGI / AFP / Getty Images

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