3 Things You Must See: Comedian Gets Payback on Serial Heckler.

Comedian Gets Payback on Serial Heckler Who Trolled Him for 10 Years



This is one of those moments that only happens in movies.  A comedian in England got revenge on a heckler who had been trolling him for ten years with the phrase "chicken wire." 



It started a decade ago when the heckler shouted it out while the comic performed on stage.  And then, every time the comedian posted something on Facebook, "chicken wire" would show up anonymously in the comments. 



The troller finally made the mistake of using his real name, so the comic did some research.  He found him on LinkedIn, and discovered that he worked 150 miles away at a store in a mall.



Here's the revenge part.  He drove to that store, found him sitting with other employees and customers . . . got IN his face . . . and started yelling, "Chicken wire, chicken wire, chicken wire.  I win, you lose."



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Carnival Worker Dangles 30 Feet in the Air to Save 12-Year-Old Girl



A video has gone viral of a carnival worker dangling 30 feet in the air while saving a 12-year-old girl stuck inside a ride called The Bullet.  He was helping her INTO the car when a gust of wind launched it into the air.



The door was still open, so he closed it and held on tightly AS the compartment turned 180 degrees.  After what seemed like a lifetime, employees got the motor started and lowered the car.  The worker's hand was bloodied, but he's fine.


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(Careful:  There's barely audible background swearing in the clip.  This was Sunday at the Groves Pecan Festival in Texas.  Here's a detailed report.)

Toddler Yells "Congratulations, Daddy" at Dad's College Graduation



You DON'T see the little girl in this video, but you HEAR her, and what she says is adorable.  Her dad is graduating from Teesside University in England, and as he walks to the podium she yells, "Congratulations, daddy."



Dad turns to see her in the audience, says "I love you," and blows her a kiss.  She responds back with, "Love you daddy."



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If you're into blurry photos, that MIGHT be the Loch Ness Monster . . . well, the "New York Post" has something for you to see. 

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Photo: https://twitter.com/BobbyMair

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