A Man Got a $1.4 Million Speeding Ticket . . . and It Wasn't a Typo?
Speeding tickets can blow a HUGE hole in your budget . . . depending where you were caught and how fast you were going . . . you could be looking at HUNDREDS of dollars.
And in Georgia, you might be looking at more than a MILLION.
A man in Savannah, Georgia was pulled over last month for driving 90 in a 55-mile-per-hour zone. That's 35 over, so he KNEW he was going to be hit with a big fine. But when he got the ticket, it was for more than $1.4 MILLION.
He assumed it was a typo, so he called the city. The woman who answered said there was NO mistake, and that he'd need to pay that amount or show up to court on December 21st.
The guy called a lawyer, who told him that in Georgia the maximum penalty for traffic violations is $1,000 . . . although it could be up to $5K or $10K, if you were also hit with an "aggravated" criminal charge.
So what's going on? A rep for the city of Savannah says this was a "super speeder" ticket, which requires a mandatory court appearance . . . where a judge will set the penalty.
They say "$1.4 million" was listed on the ticket as a, quote, "placeholder."
Basically, it's just a bug in the software. Rather than just SAY there is no automatic fine, and that you're required to show up in court, the system just spits out the max numbers it can for base fines and other fees.
The rep said that the $1.4 million means nothing . . . and isn't enforced.
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Speaking of "outrageous" speeding ticket stories . . . a man from Texas got a $231 speeding ticket in Oklahoma . . . and he and his fiancée decided to add it to their wedding registry so their family and friends could help them pay it off.
It's a joke . . . but it looks like they did add it as one of the "cash fund" registry options, like how other couples would let guests contribute to a honeymoon . . . a down payment . . . or Taylor Swift concert tickets.
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Thieves Stole 35 Porta-Potties . . . That Were "Full"?
Thieves will steal just about ANYTHING from someone . . . but this is a particularly crappy robbery.
Someone in the U.K. stole 35 porta-potties from a racetrack. And some of them were FULL when they were taken.
That means there were probably MULTIPLE thieves, and it probably took them MULTIPLE trips . . . no matter what kind of vehicles they had.
The porta-potties were owned by a toilet rental company. Each unit is NOT cheap . . . they can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000. The more expensive toilets are the ones for disabled users, and two of those were among the 35 taken.
The police are investigating, and it's unclear if they've picked up the scent.
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Photo: KENZO TRIBOUILLARD / AFP / Getty Images