FOOD NEWS: Coca-Cola's Latest Flavor Tastes Like . . . "The Future"?

Coca-Cola's Latest Flavor Tastes Like . . . "The Future"?



Artificial intelligence has just come to take someone's job:  Whoever creates "new" flavors for Coca-Cola.



Coke just released the latest limited-edition flavor in its "Creations" series.  This one is called Coca-Cola Y3000, and it's supposed to taste like "THE FUTURE."



And this is appropriate:  The recipe was created by A.I. 



They haven't revealed what's in it or described the taste.  They say the flavor profile is "85-to-90% Coke, [with] a 10-to-15% twist of something unexpected."



Y3000 should cost the same as regular Coke.  It comes in zero- and full-sugar varieties . . . and it will be available for a limited time starting now. 

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Photo: Spencer Platt / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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