Food: Where To Get Exclusive Lucky Charms With Blue Diamond Marshmallows

Where To Get Exclusive Lucky Charms Cereal Containing Blue Diamond Marshmallows

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TikTok Says Frothing a Shot of Liquor Makes It Taste Better



 A shot of straight liquor is never going to taste good.  But TikTok claims there's an easy hack to make it not taste like total poison . . .



FROTHING your liquor is all over social media right now.  All you need is that $10 milk frother you bought when you thought you'd save money by making lattes at home . . . then never used it.



The claim is that using them in liquor for 30 seconds makes it way smoother.  And people who've tried it say it really is true.



Someone asked a chemistry professor about it, who said that YES, it could make a difference.  Here are three possible reasons . . .



1.  Frothing creates a tiny bit of heat, which could cause chemical reactions in it.


2.  It also introduces oxygen molecules that react with flavor molecules.  But he says it would probably take a lot longer than 30 seconds for that one.



3.  Bubbles change how we perceive the taste.  He thinks that's the main reason it works.  Basically, they burst in your mouth and change the experience by making it more aromatic, like champagne.



That last one also makes sense because people claim the effect goes away if you let all the bubbles pop before you drink.  



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This is wild:  A storm in Louisiana caused a Taco Bell sign to fall on a CAR . . . trapping someone inside.  It looks gnarly . . . and could have been BAD . . . but miraculously, it sounds like no one was seriously injured.  

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Reports Of Sickness After Eating Lucky Charms Cereal Has The Food And Drug Administration Investigating

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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