Food: Throwing Soft Serve at Your Co-Workers, National Chicken Wing Day

Throwing Soft Serve at Your Co-Workers

Have you seen the "Ice Cream Challenge" videos that are all over TikTok right now?  They're all the exact same thing, but people are loving them.

 Ice cream shops are posting videos where an employee hands someone their ice cream . . . finds out there's something wrong with the order . . . and then chucks it at another employee's FACE. 

 It started with soft serve ice cream.  But we've also seen them done with whipped cream, snow cones, and also regular ice cream, which seems like it could actually cause some damage.  Soft serve is the best option though, because it STICKS.

 Ice cream shops tend to employ a lot of teenagers.  So that's why it's caught fire so fast.  Just search for "ice cream challenge" on TikTok, and you'll find dozens of them. 

 People are also doing it with other stuff now, like a chef in New York who threw a steak at a guy . . . and a TikToker who pretended to do it with a cinderblock.

Tomorrow is National Chicken Wing Day.

34% of people didn't realize that cereals were heavy in sugar. WHAT?????? (Full Story)

Chick-fil-A is testing out two new restaurant concepts . . . a four-lane drive-thru with a kitchen above, and a walk-up store for digital orders.  (Full Story)

Next week, Taco Bell will introduce a Grilled Cheese Dipping Taco . . . featuring slow-braised shredded beef.  (Full Story)

Someone's Throwing Frozen Bananas at Passing Cars

Have you ever had a frozen banana?  They can be a healthy summer snack . . . or a WEAPON, apparently.

 Cops in eastern Pennsylvania are trying to track down a person who's been throwing frozen bananas at passing cars.  (It's been happening near the town of Tilden, about 75 miles northwest of Philly.)

 They've done it to at least five different drivers, and one person's dash-cam got it on video.

 The banana was thrown from the window of a pick-up coming from the other direction.  Police say it might sound like a funny prank, but it's actually dangerous and could cause a crash.

 One woman it happened to had her window down and got hit by, quote, "debris" from the banana.  Some of it also flew past her and hit her car seat in the back.  Luckily, she didn't have her kid with her.  (If you're doing 50, and they're doing 50 coming the other way, that's like a 100-mile-per-hour fastball.)

 The video's pretty blurry.  All they know is that the truck is two-tone.  But if the person's caught, they could face vandalism charges, or worse. Read more HERE

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

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