Watch People at the Beach in San Diego Get Chased by Sea Lions
There's a beach in San Diego called La Jolla Cove (La-Hoya) where tourists go to gawk at sea lions. On Sunday, the sea lions got a little fed up and started chasing them away. A lifeguard used a megaphone to issue a warning.
He said, quote, "Give that large male sea lion plenty of room. They have bitten people, and they've protected animals."
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A Hack for Keeping the Sunlight Out of Your Hotel Room
A flight attendant has been racking up the hits with his "four hotel hacks." We've seen a couple of them before. Like . . . always wear slippers because the carpets are full of germs . . . and always check for bedbugs.
But he also has a hack for when the CURTAINS will NOT close all the way. He uses hotel coat hangers, the kind that have spring-loaded clamps. He pulls the curtains together, and then clamps them in place.
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Photo: Marcelo Hernandez / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images