A Mistake on Cap'n Crunch's Uniform Has Finally Been Fixed

The legendary Quaker Oats cereal Cap'n Crunch is now 60 YEARS OLD.  And to put that in context, Cap'n Crunch was in the U.S. before The Beatles. 



The mascot . . . Cap'n Horatio Magellan Crunch . . . has REALLY earned the white in his mustache.  And now, for the first time ever, he's also earned an actual CAPTAIN'S uniform.



If you didn't know, Cap'n Crunch's uniform has always been wrong . . . the gold stripes on his sleeve are below his rank.



An American naval captain wears FOUR gold bars on his sleeves, but Cap'n Crunch has always had fewer . . . initially wearing only one bar (ensign), then two bars (lieutenant), and three bars (commander).


For the 60th anniversary, they've finally given him FOUR bars.  There's an updated image on social media, with the caption, "The internet has spoken, and we listened.  Introducing:  My new look and my 4th stripe era!"


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Photo: Dominik Bindl / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

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