FUNYUNS Are The #1 Junk Food in Texas?
A website used Google Trends data to determine the Top Three junk foods: Last Friday was National Junk Food Day . . . and pretty much EVERYONE celebrated . . . whether they realized it or not. If you're wondering what America's go-to junk foods are, here's an inside look:
A website used Google Trends data to determine the Top Three junk foods in every state . . . and overall, Starburst got the most love, followed by Pringles, Sour Patch Kids, and Skittles.
Sour Patch Kids was #1 in most states, with seven . . . Arizona, California, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, and North Carolina. Next was Animal Crackers and Kit-Kat, which were #1 in five states each.
Some of the more unique #1s are: Fruit Roll-Ups being #1 in Alaska and Louisiana . . . Beef Jerky being #1 in New Mexico . . . Funyuns took the top spot in Texas . . . Swedish Fish being a big deal in Pennsylvania . . . and Baby Ruth beat out everything else in South Carolina.
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Today is National Tequila Day.
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Does Chick-fil-A have the best breakfast sandwiches?
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Trader Joe's Recalled Some Cookies Because They Might Contain Rocks
Products are constantly being recalled for things like salmonella. But we've never seen this before . . .
Trader Joe's just issued a recall for two types of cookies they sell . . . because they might contain ROCKS.
They haven't elaborated or explained how the rocks got in there, but they've already been pulled from shelves. Anyone who bought them can bring them back for a full refund.
The two types of cookies that might be full of rocks are their "Almond Windmill Cookies," and their "Dark Chocolate Chunk" with almonds.
All of the potentially rock-filled snacks have "sell by" dates between October 17th and October 21st.
So if you bought either of those types . . . but they have a different "sell by" date . . . go ahead and chew with confidence.
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Little Debbie has debuted the new Strawberry Swiss Rolls.
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Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images News / Getty Images