FOOD: Burger King's Newest "Burger" Is Just a Bun with 20 Slices of Cheese

Burger King's Newest "Burger" Is Just a Bun with 20 Slices of Cheese


This almost seems like an April Fools' idea someone in marketing turned in late.  So corporate said screw it, let's just make it a real thing . . .



Burger King is selling a new burger in Thailand that's not really a "burger" at all.



They're calling it the "Real Cheeseburger," but there's no meat . . . just a bun with TWENTY SLICES of American cheese on it.  (???)



You've gotta see the photo to appreciate just how much cheese that is.  Twenty slices is roughly a POUND of cheese between two buns. 



The photo in their ads makes it look melted.  But there's a YouTube video of a guy eating one, and it looks like they barely even heated it up.  



For its initial run, they're only charging $3.00.  But they'll eventually sell it for $11.  So it sounds like they plan to make it a permanent menu option in Thailand.



No word on whether they're bringing it to the U.S. or not, but you can already get one if you want.  Just order a cheeseburger . . . no ketchup, mustard, pickles, OR meat . . . and ask for 19 extra slices of cheese.  

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Remember in the late-90s and early 2000s when Taco Bell had those "coin drop" games with spinning platforms? 

 You'd drop a quarter in, and if it landed on one, you got free food.  Now they're bringing it back in digital form as a game you play on your phone.  The profits go to charity.

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McDonald's Is Ditching Its Baked Goods but Just Added a Spicy McMuffin


 If your go-to McDonald's breakfast is their big cinnamon roll, you're gonna want to start googling donut shops . . .



McDonald's announced they're discontinuing their entire McCafé bakery line-up.  That means their apple fritters, blueberry muffins, and their cinnamon roll with cream cheese icing.



If you're a fan of their apple pie or chocolate chip cookies, you're in the clear.  Those items will stay.



Die-hard fans are upset even though the McCafé line-up hasn't been around that long.  McDonald's only added it to the menu three years ago.



They put out a statement saying they're "always listening to [their] fans and adjusting [the] menu based on what they crave."  So it sounds like they weren't selling that well.

They'll start phasing them out this month.  No word on if they plan to replace them with other baked goods.  But they did just add another new menu item this week.



Cheesy Jalapeño McMuffins are now available at select locations.  They're also doing a Cheesy Jalapeño Quarter Pounder for a limited time.



It's not clear if they plan to add them to their permanent menu or not.



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Photo: Getty Images

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