A "Mythbusters" Clip Shows What Happens to a Human Body During Underwater..

Our fascination with that OceanGate disaster keeps manifesting itself in weird ways.  Here's the latest:



A 2009 clip from "Mythbusters" has gone viral because it shows what happens to the human body during an UNDERWATER IMPLOSION.



They made a fake person out of PIG PARTS, including bones, muscle, fat, skin, and guts.  They put it in a diving suit, sunk it 300 feet underwater and let nature . . . and pressure . . . take its course.  It's pretty gruesome.



For the record, a professor says, quote, "The reenactment has very little in common with the last moments of the doomed Titan sub passengers, who authorities have said were instantaneously killed at much greater depths and under much higher pressure.



"They probably would have had no idea what happened."


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Discovery Communications TCA Winter 2015

Photo: Getty Images

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