3 Things You Must See: Cops Save Hawk With a Snake Wrapped Around its Neck

Two cops in Florida saved a hawk that was sitting in the middle of the street with a snake wrapped around its neck

They think the hawk grabbed the snake but bit off more than it could chew.  The hawk flew off, and they released the snake, which wasn't venomous.

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Guy Gets Hearing Aid and Is Surprised by Certain Sounds


There's a "hearing impaired" TikTok'er from Ireland whose life changed after he was fitted with a hearing aid.  He was suddenly able to hear MORE sounds, and many of them were a complete surprise.  For example:  Scratching.



He scratched his face and heard it.  He also heard the sound of butter being scraped onto a bagel for the first time.  He was also surprised to hear a noise coming from his drain and had no idea that fires make sounds.



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Little Girl Under Anesthesia Thinks She Has Two Thumbs on One Hand



A seven-year-old girl had a tonsillectomy . . . and, while under anesthesia, was convinced she had two thumbs on one hand.  Her mom tried to set her straight, but no use.  Mom did get it on video, though.


Watch Video HERE


Photo: Getty Images

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