Matthew McConaughey Is Teaching a FREE Course On Livin'!!! Sign Up Here.

Matthew McConaughey loves to tell us to "Just keep livin'" . . . but he never tells us HOW.  Until now, that is.



Matthew is hosting a one-time online seminar called "The Art of Livin" this coming Monday at 10:00 a.m. Pacific . . . which is 1:00 p.m. Eastern.



In an Instagram video that's even cooler than one of his Lincoln commercials, he says, quote, "You ever had a gut feeling that maybe you were meant for more, but you weren't really sure what the next best steps were to achieve it?"



Remember that your "more" doesn't have to mean money or "things."  It could also be love, joy, balance, trust, choice . . . whatever you're seeking.


There's no word how long the event will last, but it's FREE.  And it includes appearances by self-help types like Tony Robbins and, well . . . some other people you've never heard of.



Even though it's free, you do have to reserve a "seat," which you can do at



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