Here's How Many People Doing Their Taxes . . . Tonight

 There are plenty of stressful things about doing your taxes:  Worrying about having enough money to cover the bill . . . agonizing over making mistakes . . . and drawing audits.



The last thing you should do is add a scary deadline to panic about.  And yet, some of us procrastinate like that.



In a new survey, 62% of people say they file their taxes as soon as they get their W-2 and any other forms they need.  27% say they hire an accountant to do it for them, sometime before the deadline.



6% say they do them on the last day, up to THE NIGHT THAT THEY'RE DUE.  


Only 2% of people say they file for an extension. 

It's fairly easy to file an extension to buy yourself another six months . . . but that's just for the paperwork.  If you owe money, it's still due today.  If you don't pay an estimated amount now, you'll owe interest on the unpaid tax. 

Read More HERE

Tax Preparers Help Last-Minute Filers On Tax Day

Photo: Getty Images

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