The Dalai Lama Apologized After Asking A Young Boy to SUCK HIS TONGUE.

The Dalai Lama apologized after asking a young boy to SUCK HIS TONGUE. Yeah, it was weird.



It happened back in February, but the video just went viral yesterday.  It shows a little boy asking the Dalai Lama for a hug, which he gets.  The Dalai Lama also tells the kid to kiss him on the cheek.



Then he asks the boy for a kiss ON THE LIPS, and that happens.  And if that's not bad enough, he asks the kid to suck on his tongue and sticks it out.  Luckily, that does NOT happen, although for a second, it looks like it might.



The Dalai Lama laughs it off like it was a joke, but not everyone was amused . . . which is why he apologized.



His office issued a statement saying, quote, "His Holiness wishes to apologize to the boy and his family, as well as his many friends across the world, for the hurt his words may have caused.



"His Holiness often teases people he meets innocently and playfully, even in public and before cameras.  He regrets the incident." 

Read More HERE

Rod couldn't believe how LITTLE this was being talked about last night.


Photo: Getty Images

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