Criminals: A Woman Stole a Car with a "Club" on It and Crashed

A Woman Stole a Car with a "Club" on It and Crashed

 Well, this turned into a demolition derby real quick . . .



A 27-year-old woman near L.A. reached into a lady's car last Friday and tried to steal her purse, but she wouldn't let go.



So she yanked the woman out along with her purse . . . then jumped in and tried to steal the car instead.



She didn't get far though, because the car had a CLUB on it, and the steering wheel was locked.



If you've never used one, a Club prevents you from turning the wheel in either direction.  You can only go about a quarter-of-a-turn.  But she tried to drive off anyway, and ended up crashing into multiple vehicles.


It happened in a grocery store parking lot, and someone got it on video.  She kept backing up and going forward, hitting more and more cars each time.  At least five cars were damaged before she jumped out and tried to run.



Two guys tackled her and held her down until cops got there.  Someone also tied her shoelaces together, just in case.



Two people were hurt, but didn't have to go to the hospital.  The only person who did was the carjacker.  No details on her injuries, but she's facing serious charges. 


 Read More HERE

(Warning:  F-bombs at 50 and:56.)

A man in Delaware pleaded guilty to stealing the THUMB of a 2,000-year-old Chinese sculpture.  

He broke it off during an ugly sweater party in December 2017.  The thumb alone was valued at an estimated $5,000, and the man DID return it when the authorities tracked him down. 

Read More HERE

Update:  Cops in Phoenix have found a 15-foot red spoon that was stolen from outside a Dairy Queen.  

The thieves showed up in the middle of the night with a flatbed trailer to take it.  

Read More HERE


Photo: Getty Images

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