In Art Class, a Child Paid Tribute to Her Mom's Love of . . . Vodka

What's the most PRIVATE thing about you that your child has SHARED publicly?



A mom online shared a card that her 10-year-old daughter made in art class.  It's orange, with a bunch of hearts on it, and it says, "You are the best mom EVER."



But it also says, "You love vodka, girl!"  (???)  There's even a purple bottle depicted on the front, where it says, "I [HEART] VODKA"



The woman says, "It was really unexpected . . . [when I saw it,] I just did a nervous laugh . . . I was quite shocked."



The funny thing is, the woman says she doesn't even drink vodka.  She's ACTUALLY obsessed with "plum gin" . . . and says that her daughter must have just confused gin and vodka. 


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