A Bro Flexing at the Gym Passes Out, Falls, and Breaks His Nose
Next time you see a bro flexing a little too much at the gym, show him this. A guy struck a pose so hard that he passed out, fell into the mirror, and broke his nose. A friend filmed it, and it's racked up over five million views on TikTok.
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Throwback to the News Reporter Getting Upended by a Toboggan
Here's a Throwback Thursday from 2012. A reporter named Rob Leth was on location covering an innertube toboggan race. But he found himself in the direct path of a toboggan, and was upended when it plowed into him. He wasn't injured.
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A TV station in Chicago did a story on a guy named Ed Berthold, who's still bowling at age 103.
He was a pilot in World War Two and got stranded in Iceland. So he and his buddies passed the time by bowling on ice. Now he's still at it 80 years later.
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Photo: Getty Images