Woman's Secret Cookie Santa Caught On Tape
Woman’s cookie-leaving secret admirer is caught on tape.
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An Airline Pilot Reveals Where Your Poop Goes After You Flush
A video has been making the rounds of an airline pilot revealing where your poop goes after you flush. Most people think it dumps directly down into a waste area below, but that's not exactly the case.
It goes through a plumbing system to the back of the plane and into a sealed compartment for the ground crew to remove. He adds that a long-haul flight will have over 1,000 flushes, and create over 320 gallons of waste.
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A Wise Five-Year-Old's Advice About Worrying Too Much
This clip proves that kids DO pay attention to what you say. A five-year-old boy heard his dad and grandpa stressing about work, so he gave this bit of advice.
Quote, "Today has enough worries of its own. That's what God says. You just worry about what's going on today."
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Photo: https://www.tiktok.com/@humankind