“Dangerous” Foods Mortician Mom Won’t Feed Kids
A mortician who’s also a mom says she’s “scarred” by the things she sees on the job and as a result, there’s a whole list of “dangerous” and “life-threatening” foods she won’t let her own kids eat. Lauren Elizadetails the dangers of snacks that are probably sitting in your pantry and urges parents to make sure their kids don’t get their hands on them.
First up? Popcorn. Lauren says she never keeps it in her house because “giving your children popcorn is one of the quickest ways you can get a ride in an ambulance.” According to her, kids should be at least five years old before they eat popcorn, explaining that those little kernels that get stuck in your teeth and that because “they’re so lightweight they’re easily sucked back into your esophagus that you could aspirate or choke on them.” And the American Academy of Pediatrics also names popcorn “one of the top choking hazards” and says the snack is “best avoided” by little ones under the age of four.
Popcorn isn’t the only food Lauren bans her kids from having. She doesn’t allow them to eat nuts or full grapes because they are also choking hazards. “Please don't just assume it is something that happens to other parents - many foods are extremely deadly for children to eat,” she says. The mortician mom’s list of the most dangerous foods for children is:
- Nuts
- Popcorn
- Seeds
- Dry cereal
- String beans
- Celery
- Chips
- Hard pretzels
- Whole cherry tomatoes
- Uncut grapes
- Raw carrots
- Raisins
Source: Daily Mail
Photo: Getty Images