Pringles Unveils New Limited-Edition Scorchin’ Hot One's Lineup… DARE DICE ANYONE?????
Pringles teams up with Emmy-nominated talk show Hot Ones – whose notoriously hot wing sauces put fans’ tastebuds to the test – for the introduction of the new limited-edition Pringles Scorchin’ Hot One's lineup.
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There Are New Cheez-Its with Cheese "Sonically-Aged" to Hip-Hop
Cheez-Its is releasing a new version . . . made with cheese "sonically-aged" by HIP-HOP. This raises a LOT of questions, so here's the deal:
1. First: Yes, Cheez-Its are made with actual cheese. It says so on the box.
2. Yes, there is such a thing as "sonically" aging cheese with music . . . sort of. The cheese itself is aged in a usual process . . . not only with music . . . and they just play music while it's chillin'.
3. Yes, they played hip-hop. There was a strange study out of Switzerland three years ago, which found cheese tastes better when it's been exposed to '90s hip-hop, rather than other genres they tested like classic rock, classical, and techno.
4. It's unclear what songs the cheese listened to. Cheez-Its collaborated with Pandora on this stunt. The playlist that they played for the cheese will be revealed on May 26th, when the boxes debut. In the study three years ago, the hip-hop cheese was aged to "Jazz (We've Got)" by A Tribe Called Quest.
5. It'll be hard to get your hands on it. A "limited run" will be released at, beginning on May 26th at Noon Eastern. But it'll only be available "while supplies last."
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Photo: Getty Images