One in Three Americans Can't Even Wipe Their Butt Right

Have we really fallen this far as a society? A new online poll found a third of Americans can't even wipe their BUTT right.

A young woman on TikTok is going viral after she posted a video and claimed it's physically impossible to wipe your butt the way experts say you should . . . front to back.

She said she's not flexible enough to do it, and doesn't understand how anyone is. (???) And the crazy part is a lot of people seem to agree with her.

BuzzFeed did an informal poll that asked about different wiping techniques. And one in three people aren't doing it right.

Over 25,000 people tookthe poll. . . and 34% said they go back to front.

54% said front to back, which is how you're supposed to do it for hygiene reasons, especially if you're a woman.

Another 7% said they use a bidet . . . and 5% said they wipe in a DIFFERENT way. (I'm not sure what that would be. Side to side? Possibly a swirl?)

A physical therapy doctor posted her own video, and showed people how to wipe correctly. She said if you can't reach from behind, you should come from the front and PUSH instead of pull. 


Photo: Getty Images

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