A Guy with a Tesla Face Tattoo Got Drunk and Flipped His Minivan
Hopefully, this guy's next car IS a Tesla, because it sounds like he could use those self-driving features . . .
A 25-year-old guy near Chicago named Jordan Lindsey got arrested last week. And in his mugshot, he's got some crazy green hair . . . and a Tesla FACE TATTOO.
He's got the Tesla logo tattooed under his left eye. So apparently he's a fan . . . but he doesn't actually own one.
He got arrested last Thursday after he decided to drive drunk and flipped his 30-year-old MINIVAN . . . a 1992 GMC Safari with maroon paint.
No other cars were involved, and luckily he's okay. But he's facing multiple charges.
In addition to the DUI, he also didn't have insurance . . . the minivan wasn't registered . . . and he was driving on a suspended license from a previous DUI.
He's due in court later this month.
(Here's his mugshot.)
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An 11-year-old that police are calling "a prolific carjacker" was arrested after he stole the vehicle of the police sergeant's wife.
Here is Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown and Chicago Police Chief of Detectives Brendan Deenihan talking about the crime.
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A West Virginia man was arrested for falsely reporting a robbery while he was pulled over for speeding.
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A Guy Stole Erectile Dysfunction Pills After His Insurance Wouldn't Cover Them
Ironically, this guy could end up doing a hard time for this . . .
A 36-year-old in Bethesda, Maryland named Marc Shutta went to a grocery store pharmacy to pick up two medications . . . one for insomnia, and one for erectile dysfunction.
But when he went to pay, the pharmacist said his insurance wouldn't cover the E.D. meds. And without the discount, his total was $369.
He didn't have that much but really wanted the pills. So he just GRABBED them out of the pharmacist's hand . . . abandoned his shopping cart with groceries in it . . . and sprinted out of the store.
They knew his name because they'd just filled his prescription. So they called the cops but said they DIDN'T want to press charges. If he brought the pills back, they'd let it slide.
Police called him twice, and he hung up on them both times. So they sent a text to let him know the store was being nice about it, and he wouldn't be arrested if he just returned the medication.
He still didn't do it though, so they arrested him. He's now facing $500 in fines and up to six months in prison.
(Here's his mugshot.)
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Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images