Priests Air-Bombed City With Holy Water to Stop Drinking And Fornication

Huh. This is... interesting.

Priests in the Russian city of Tver took to the skies this week to save local citizens from drunken craziness by air-bombing the town with holy water.

Clergymen poured out 70 liters’ worth of sacred liquid from a large chalice through the open door of a rickety green plane on Wednesday, in an escalation of their battle against “drinking” and “fornication,” local outlet Tvernews reported.

Local television showed a priest strapped into a harness to keep him from accidentally falling from the airplane while tipping gallon after gallon onto the city below. (Vice)

Okay then! Apparently there's a big sobriety push in Russia. They do love them some vodka... maybe a little too much, according to some. Still, I'm not sure that dumping gallons of holy water from an airplane is the best way to tackle the issue, but what do I know?

Check out the video below. It's in Russian, of course.

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