3 Things You Must See: A Kid Dropped an F-Bomb During a Local News Report

A Kid Dropped an F-Bomb During a Local News Report



Storms in southern Oregon caused power outages this week. And a little kid dropped a very hard F-BOMB while talking to a reporter about it. He looks like he's maybe 11 or 12.


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(WARNING: The F-bomb is uncensored in the video. It happens at :42.)

How Famous Singers Would Sound Stubbing Their Toe



A TikToker named Liv Swearingen is trending for her video of what different singers would sound like stubbing their toe.



She does Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Billie Eilish . . . then tosses in an Owen Wilson impression, just for fun.



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Here's What It Would Sound Like If Eminem Was a Redneck 


Have you ever wondered what it would sound like if Eminem was a redneck? Me either . . . and why would you? But I guess that's what the Internet is for.



And here's where Cooper Alan and Thomas Mac step in. If you haven't heard of them before, you've probably seen one of their videos. Cooper has 10.2 million followers on TikTok and Thomas has 4.3 million.



And now they've blessed us with a country version of Eminem's famous song, "Without Me". Just imagine if Eminem, instead of being from Detroit, grew up in the Deep South.



It starts with, "I've created a monster, cause nobody wants the pop [crap] no more, they want banjo and old fiddle."



And it only gets better from there.


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(WARNING: There's profanity and inappropriate language throughout the video. It is an Eminem spoof after all.)

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